FUMUKU International
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [FL:RP] Cat

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:48143163

Your Age: 12 2/3 Sad

Hours on server: 314 is the time i'm posting this Application

RP Events you have been in: 5

RP Point Amount: 1

Ban History on Fearless RP: 2


In Character Information:

Division you are applying for: FUMUKU Security Devision


Full Name: Julian 'Cat' Viegins

All Nicknames: Cat, and Julian.

Age: 24

Date of Application: 8/2/13


Date of birth: 12 /13/1989

Gender: Male

Place of Birth: EvoCity

Telephone Number: 513 - 310 - 1342

Mobile: (513)424 4356

Driver's License Number: 25567


Current Residence (Complete in Full)

Address: 3271 E. Watermelon Drive

Zip code: 71835

Suburb / City: EvoCity

Previous Residence (Complete in Full)

Address: 3425 W. Melon Drive

Zip code: 14466

Suburb / City EvoCity


Why are you applying? Because i would like to work for the best that i have worked with, i want to apply because i want to help protect everyone i work with aswell as keep the crime down in the city.

What is your background in the field you are applying for?
I have worked with the special forces in very dangerous missions, that require skill, and stealth to finish. We have sorted out lots of hostage situatuons, and before that.. i worked with the police force for 5 years

Why should we pick you for FUMUKU? I am very good with shooting and stealth, I listen to any command i receive, without question, and i never fail to do so.

What will you offer FUMUKU? I will give FUMUKU The best i can give,
any kind of assistance in any way possible, I will help protect anyone else who is in FUMUKU, or anything we are Protecting.

Character Bio:

Julian was born in Evocity, he grew up always wanting to be a police officer and serve his country, when he grew up, he became a very good working police man, his rank was Lt. After 5 years being there, he went to the special forces and did very dangerous missions, that needed skill, and stealth to complete, after that, he resigned and now hes trying to find another branch of government to work with.
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Application review process will commence in 24hours from this notice.

Active FUMUKU Int, members of at least class D, are welcome to post their reviews of applicants on the time specified.

Application Review Status: The review process will end in 3 days from commencement, all members who have yet to voice their opinions are advised to do so soon.

Upon the ending of this cycle, it will be an extra 24hrs before a final decision is made.

Yours faithfully Director of FUMUKU Legal services, Z.Massani I.D 3514
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Applicant Reviews

[FL:RP] Mr Gccc

Spoiler :
Applicant Name: [FL:RP] Mr Gccc

Events and situations you have seen/been with the applicant in: None.

List any and all rule infractions you have personaly seen the applicant commit, this can include previous Ban Requests you were involved in and infractions that were never reported: None.

List any and all positive attributes you can and list examples:
  • Good amount of in-game hours.
  • Nicely detailed application.

List any and all negative attributes you can and list examples:
  • 4 bans. However all are old and fairly minor.

Overall evaluation: Applicant has put a lot of effort into his application. He has a fairly small ban record and good amount of hours.

Recomendations: Trial Approval.

[FL:RP] Cat

Spoiler :
Applicant Name: [FL:RP] Cat

Events and situations you have seen/been with the applicant in: Has aided FUMUKU operations as a police officer arresting and detaining suspects.

List any and all rule infractions you have personaly seen the applicant commit, this can include previous Ban Requests you were involved in and infractions that were never reported: None.

List any and all positive attributes you can and list examples:
  • Good amount of in-game hours.
  • Only one ban found (even though application says 2).
  • Past experiences suggest that he is experienced on the server and can handle situations appropriately.

List any and all negative attributes you can and list examples:

Overall evaluation: Applicant seems to be worthy of a trial approval with his low ban record and good amount of in-game hours.

Recomendations: Trial Approval.

The following 2 users Like Moisty's post:
  • Millennium, Gccc
Applicant Reviews

Mr Gccc Application

Spoiler :
Applicant Name: [FL:RP] Mr Gccc

Events and situations you have seen/been with the applicant in: When I told him that Applications were open in FUMUKU.

List any and all rule infractions you have personaly seen the applicant commit, this can include previous Ban Requests you were involved in and infractions that were never reported: None

List any and all positive attributes you can and list examples:
-Was Intent to join FUMUKU
-Good, long hours
-Actually has some RP points

List any and all negative attributes you can and list examples: None

Personal Opinion: I believe he would be good for the job, but I would keep an eye on him.

Overall evaluation: He would do good for the job, he seems very helpful and kind.

Recommendations: Trial Approval

Cat Application

Spoiler :
Applicant Name: [FL:RP] Cat

Events and situations you have seen/been with the applicant in: A Bar RP, very helpful in it.

List any and all rule infractions you have personaly seen the applicant commit, this can include previous Ban Requests you were involved in and infractions that were never reported: None

List any and all positive attributes you can and list examples:
-An RP point
-Mature, good for the job
-Extremely good Roleplayer
-Helped Detain a Criminal as cop[/color]

List any and all negative attributes you can and list examples: None

Personal Opinion: I think Cat would be very good for the job, Cat is a Mature person who obviously wants to be in a Clan and enjoy it.

Overall evaluation: Cat would be very helpful in the division he applied for. He will do an exceptional job in Roleplays.

Recommendations: Trial Approval

[Image: J1zObHm.gif]
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  • Millennium, Gccc
Mr Gccc application review.

Spoiler :
Applicant Name: [FL:RP] Mr Gccc

Events and situations you have seen/been with the applicant in: None.

List any and all rule infractions you have personaly seen the applicant commit, this can include previous Ban Requests you were involved in and infractions that were never reported: None.

List any and all positive attributes you can and list examples:
Good amount of in-game hours.
Good amount of effort in his application.

List any and all negative attributes you can and list examples:
4 bans.

Overall evaluation: Nice amount of hours, decent application, good effort

Recomendations: Trial Approval.

Cat application

Spoiler :
Applicant Name: [FL:RP] Cat

Events and situations you have seen/been with the applicant in: None.

List any and all rule infractions you have personaly seen the applicant commit, this can include previous Ban Requests you were involved in and infractions that were never reported: None.

List any and all positive attributes you can and list examples:
Good reports from FUMUKU Management who've been on the server with him.
Good amount of hours, and an rp point indicate he can rp.
Cute avatar.

List any and all negative attributes you can and list examples:
Age is a concern, (sorry dude) may not be able to take FUMUKU Int, seriously.
This may sound harsh but it's only constructive criticism.
Characters rp bio is abit implausible, and it's badly written, i'm willing to overlook this due to writers age. Spec ops soldiers tend to make bad security guards, and you dont just join the special forces straight from the police. I know it's a highly attractive role to people, but it's very common in applications, and does not make yours stand out. There are hundreds of different jobs you can include.

Overall evaluation: Young, has worked well with members before, can be guided to be an even better role player and writer.

Recomendations: Trial Approval.

Yours faithfully Director of FUMUKU Legal services, Z.Massani I.D 3514.

p.s Cat, don't take the criticism too harshly, i'm just trying to point out how you can improve your application, with most applicants theres a good chance the only impression I get of them is from their application, but you're young and at least you understand punctuation. From what i've heard you're a good player and would be a benefit to FUMUKU and I hope my criticism helps you to improve your character bio.
The following 2 users Like Eisenhorn's post:
  • Gccc, Millennium
Applicant Reviews ::::> Complete

Spoiler: Mr GcCc

Applicant Name: [FL:RP] Mr Gccc

Events and situations you have seen/been with the applicant in: None which I can recall

List any and all rule infractions you have personaly seen the applicant commit, this can include previous Ban Requests you were involved in and infractions that were never reported: None

List any and all positive attributes you can and list examples:
- Several roleplays, implying experience, RP points
- Large number of hours
- Lengthy bio, detailed

List any and all negative attributes you can and list examples:
- 4 bans, old

Personal Opinion: Nothing bad to say about him.

Overall evaluation: Experienced player, clean act, knows how to roleplay

Recomendations: Accept

Spoiler: JustMoody
Applicant Name: [FL:RP] Cat

Events and situations you have seen/been with the applicant in: None

List any and all rule infractions you have personaly seen the applicant commit, this can include previous Ban Requests you were involved in and infractions that were never reported: None

List any and all positive attributes you can and list examples:
- Good number of hours
- Participated in roleplay events, has a RP point

List any and all negative attributes you can and list examples:
- One ban (yes, you only have one visible on your history)

Personal Opinion: Has potential

Overall evaluation: Hours, roleplay experience

Recomendations: Trial Approval

[Image: 242dge9.jpg]

Jericho 'Toxic' McAndrews: F.I.I.D: SD: 7332
FUMUKU International: Security Division

“The highest distinction is service to others.”
Final Review in Progress: ETA: Within 24hrs.

Sorry for the delay, some stuffs been going on recently in my life that took my attention away from FL
Saint Dogbert: The patron saint of technology
[Image: Saint_dogbert.jpg]
FUMUKU International would like to thank all applicants for their patience, and apologise for any delays in the application process. Unfortunately Mr.Malkrin is currently otherwise occupied, and we expect you're understanding in this.

The applications will be reviewed, and a final decision will be made shortly.

A further note is that I am going on holiday until next Wednesday, so until my return, 'Toxic' will act in my stead as assistant Director of Legal, and managing any projects i've been working on, until my return.

Once again thank you for your patience and understanding.
Director of FUMUKU Legal Services, Z.Massani I.D: 3514
Application Review: Completed "Will there ever be a day where i finish this thing ON TIME?!"

FUMUKU International would like to welcome its newest members to their respective divisions:


Welcome aboard [FL:RP] Cat: STEAM_0:0:48143163
Your employment status has been updated
You are now a FUMUKU Security Officer: Class D-T
Security Clearance: D-T
F.I.D: SD 3219

Welcome aboard [FL:RP] Mr Gccc: STEAM_0:0:40584392
Your employment status has been updated
You are now a FUMUKU Security Officer: Class D-T
Security Clearance: D-T
F.I.D: SD 2394

Denied Applications:



A Promotion may be in the near future if you do well, follow the orders of your commanding officers during security operations, and if you can complete a set of training courses to show you are capable of advancement. This training course may be waived if you show exceptional skill in the field.

FUMUKU Radio Frequencys for orders or updates will be provided at the start of any operation

Be sure to add me on steam if you have'nt already done so to keep up to date with the goings on.

If we catch you doing something stupid, you will be out on the streets faster than you can say "what"

Theft of office supplies will also not be tolerated.
This includes but is not limited to: Pens, pencils, paper, copy paper, mugs, watercoolers,staplers, chairs, lights, test subjects,company vehicles, company personal, company owned alternate realitys, company owned planetoids.

Unrelated Note: For those who dont know my inactivity on the server is due to my router haveing a stroke and needing to be sent off to Ontario for its manufacturers warranty, so until I get it back im useing a 5 year old one that likes to try to self destruct if i even attempt to go on FLs servers, currently have a desk fan pointed at it to keep it from overheating.

Once its all sorted out expect me to be on alot more with quite a few new ideas for the group for RPs and story creation.
Saint Dogbert: The patron saint of technology
[Image: Saint_dogbert.jpg]
The following 1 user Likes BlackDog's post:
  • Gccc
For the attention of all members of FUMUKU International.

Carthusia Malkrin has requested the declassification of the following documents, pertaining to FUMUKU Internationals history.

Spoiler: FUMUKU International Historical Document

FUMUKU International Office Of The Judge Advocate
Historical documents
Classification-Fit for public realise
Contents-History of FUMUKU International

The National dismantlement war was one of the great catalysts in modern legal thought, and paved the way for a unique supreme court decision, that created the first mega corporation in the world.
The National dismantlement war occurred due to two parties, one was FUMUKU International, and the other was a detachment from the United States Army.

The background for the National dismantlement war is necessary to fully appreciate the legal decision that followed the supreme court case.
Prior to the war, FUMUKU International was contracted by the United States Military Complex, to conduct research into nuclear fuel and enrich uranium, the specificities of this contract are not necessary to understand that this contract involved nuclear materials, and nuclear weaponry.

The complex was established by FUMUKU International outside of the city limits, in a disused chemical manufacturing plant, as per the agreement the United States Military, assisted in constructing a campaign to disguise the facility as a billboard factory. The theory behind this being, covert is more secure than overt. The military kept a close oversight on the facility, but largely left security to FUMUKU International, after three years of stable production without any incident, sadly a great tragedy struck. A group known as Arteria struck, they are an eco-terrorism group, well funded and armed, but ideologically challenged, they penetrated the outer security of the facility, and murdered several of the guards, including military personnel.

In response to this, FUMUKU International removed all United States Military personnel from the facility, and deployed en masse the largest security force ever before seen. Over fifteen hundred private operators were stationed, and the facility was turned into an incredibly well armed fortress.
Mounted weapons were established, SAMs were erected and the entire facility was sectioned off.

The United States Military declared this an act of war, and sent a detachment to siege the compound, this detachment broke the established Rules of Engagement for the operation, and killed several FUMUKU International operatives. FUMUKU International defended itself with force, and repelled the initial assault.

The United States Military filed a law suit against FUMUKU International, whilst maintaining the cordon, and attempting to negotiate a cease fire/surrender of FUMUKU International.
The law suit was suing for breech of contract for inadequate defensive measures to protect the sensitive project, and contained a criminal case, that of murder, illegally raising a military force, and using military assets against the host nation.
The case caused uproar in the courts, and went to the supreme court of the United States.
FUMUKU International argued that they were providing a national service, with great risk, that the military unnecessarily intervened, and limited their ability to protect said service, furthermore they argued, when the nation proved inept at defending it's own assets, FUMUKU International had every right to act as a nation state itself in deploying an appropriate task force to adequately protect said assets for the benefit of the nation.

The case eventually reached a verdict, and that verdict created the first extra-national corporation, or Corporate nation.
The Court ruled that if corporations have many of the same functions of a government, such as providing their own power, nuclear energy, or any asset of such importance it deserves the same protection as any nation would normally provide they have a right to defend themselves and their functions, with the same facilities and services as would be expected of a nation, it was also ruled the terrorist attack that sparked the National Dismantlement War, was an attack directed solely against FUMUKU International, and as an entity FUMUKU International had every right to take reasonable measures to defend themselves, their infrastructure, employees and the host nation in which their facility was located.

FUMUKU International was thus allowed to behave like a corporate nation it received extraterritoriality, and the first megacorporation had emerged.

FUMUKU International has since, evolved a military sized security task force, working in all areas of the world, including the private contractor sector, and closely operating with military forces in hot spot conflicts, providing advanced weapon systems, and battlefield systems, without the normal issues faced by a military force of it's size.

The court case above ushered in a new era for the world, the corporate army, and the corporate nation, with a virtually unlimited budget, and no taxation, and a super massive research and development programme, the corporate army is now often better equipped than most standing armies, sporting the latest battlefield developments, and cutting edge technology as it's developed.

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