Unban Request Anti-Lag
Your name: Anti-Lag
Your ban ID: 35379
Banned by: [FL] Jokhah

Reason: Random arrest, fail rp. Extended due to ban history


Why we should unban you: I think that you should unban me because i didn't random arrested anyone? If i had done that, please show me the video where i do it.


You arrested a man who had been alive for roughly 1 minute, your buddy warranted him for 15 minutes, then both of you bailed off the server.
Looool! He just truly made FailRP! And just took pics of us when we Arrested him.. We left cuz we should go... This is rly unfair! + He revenged us alot with some weapons and broke NLR.. + Where's the pics of that he was police? I can't see and can't remember that!

- I got no pics or videos this one is sooo old.. 1-2 month ago...
Regardless, you arrested someone who had just spawned for 15 minutes and then left shortly after his arrest. If he was breaking the rules you should have taken evidence and posted a ban request. What he did isn't in question in this unban request. What is in question is you arresting someone who had been alive for 1 minute or less.
I feel that this is unfair.. That time i done that was around 1-2 month ago, i didn't knew how to post pics and videos in the Ban requests.. Else i truly done that! I love that server i just BR terrifier, for FailRP/Mass-propspam! If i didn't knew how to post a BR with video/pics i just arrested him too!
I promise that i worn't do it agian ever if i get unbanned!
I rly love Fearless! I spend all my time on the server..
Please give me a chance more.. Worn't wait 1 month before playing agian! :C
The time at which things happened is pretty irrelevant. It has been in the ban request section for some time and when I do them, I start from oldest to newest. As for unfair, I don't feel that way about it. If you would like, I can have another admin review your case and offer their input on the situation before determining if I want to approve or deny the case.
Is it possible to get the time to 2 weeks then or something? I just want to play.. I don't need another admin to check this out, maybe he just rise the time if he can't see the fail by the man who BR me! If you ask me this is a fail BR not just because it's me who are banned, but because you can't see he was police, you can't see if he done anything in that one min! He didn't made a video to show you.. And then 1month? It's too much i mean.
You broke the rules, you can't arrest cops, it won't work. And your ban history is why your sitting at 1 month. In the future, follow the rules, take evidence, and don't take things into your own hands. Denied.

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