player name:jake14

Server: v33x

Banned by: jokhah

Reason: Failrp,RDM

Summary : ok so i was banned for RDM and fail RP let em telll u waht happend ok so we were raiding the president and when we killed him one of the memebers of the raid became press he offered us to saty as his body guard and protect him for money WE ALL agreed and then raid started coming in and we had to protect teh pres. now i do understand what i was doing was RDM as well as other players there i also understand now that i shouldnt of played a part in that dictator ship and i really regret that and i also understand the rules a Little bit more jokhah mentioned that no KOS rules were i loowed in the server i really dint know that and thats the only time i have broken the rules in the server u may check my bans i will only have this extreme lon ban in my record. i think i should be unbanned because that has been the only time i ahve goten banned in the server and it was because i dint know that especific rules and if i dont deserve the unban please at least shorten the time - i am very sorry jake
Denied. Read the rules for appealing a ban. Your last post was closed 5 days ago.

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