UnBan Request for me! (Version 2)
UnBan Request (Version 2)

Climate Music








Your name: [FL:RP] KevinSTGPL

Your ban ID: 35015

Banned by: [FL] Aviator

Reason: Ban Request 35142 Approved - 'Spawn killing, random deathmatching.'

Involved: BrajanSTGPL , JakubW , Daro [PL] , Kiwikiller , Joram , Romodomo1 , Rarmirs , ExCrashu , Volimius ,Pese3, Wade , RedInk (Many People)

Why we should unban you: Hello. My name it's Kevin. And I have ban for FearlessRP
for 14 days... It's been on my ban 7 days ... My previous UnBan request was a failure ...
It was rejected because it was the reason ... But now ... Fearless law allows me to do so I tried again ... If you let it try ... Maybe this time will be better Smile My motivation is as follows: I got banned for reasons of defense ... I'll link to my previous posts on this topic:

http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?tid=35193 -----> UnBan Request
http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?tid=35145 -----> Ban Request for kert623
http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?tid=35142 -----> Ban Request for me

This was the situation connected with me and kert ... I was aggressive so I know ... But now it will be different ... My friends I was trying to protect me, but to no avail
The road it took .... But now I ask you to reconsider my UnBan Request, then the situation has calmed down, kert623 UnBan received after waiting out five days ... I watched the forum and saw that there were two Ban Request for kert623 of this evidence:

http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?tid=35522 -----> Ban Request for kert623 by JakubW

http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?tid=35517 -----> Ban Request for kert623 by Q6r.hazard

http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php...#pid283983 -----> Funny Film by Daro.PL

At the server a day I spend about 10 hours (check the logs) I really like the server ... Recently acquired a BMW and I wanted to take for Role Play
but I got banned, now I ask you for giving me the Administration at least one chance! You can watch me every day what I do and ban me for every little trivia! But let me play on this great server! I urge! Give me this chance! I promise to do the RP which will be attended by most of the server! I promise to improve! Just give me a chance! A vacation and I would like to spend the time on your server!
I leave the decision to you! I hope you meditate on it! And I'm over their behavior on the server Smile This looks like my motivation!

Greetings to all and especially the administration server!
My Request

Welcome FearlessRP! My name Brajan, I'm his brother Kevin, I have a request to the Administration to UnBan because Kevin wanted to spend time on FearlessRP with my brother Kevin, a vacation you want to have a good time! Can you give us the chance to have fun? We love this server and all the time we spend on the computer only on it ... And without Kevin is not as fun as always ... It is this my guide! Without it, my game does not make sense ... I'm his little brother, and I want you to give him this chance! Can I count on you?

Regards , Brajan
Users who are not involved have been warned.
KevinSTGPL defended him self from the prop blocker and prop surfer so he would not die and also we love this server.

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
― Albert Einstein
I waiting for answer

I not want intrusive be but... I wait for answer very long time... All the time waiting for decision , Can you get me reason for fun :D ? Or sedness :(

I very , very please for answer!

Thank you very much!

Regards , Kevin
I have a hard time understanding your use of Google Translate.
(08-01-2013, 11:15 PM)Narcotic Wrote: I have a hard time understanding your use of Google Translate.

Narcotic? What google translator? Where? I not use google translate Sad
It makes literally no sense with complicated words misplaced inbetween.
Ok Narcotic... But where? | By the way , Meaybye can you look for my UnBan ? And can you answer for now?
Spawn killing a prop killer is backseat administration. Which is breaking our rules.

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