Questionable Ban
Your name: {[ACS]} minge.lua

Your ban ID: 34937

Banned by: [FL] Killjoy

Reason: "Terms of service"

Involved: No idea, I was just playing and all of a sudden I was banned for 6 months.

Why we should unban you: I did absolutely nothing wrong, I follow all the rules, I try to help the community to reporting rule breakers, I honestly think I did nothing wrong and i've read and know all the rules.

if I happen to of did something wrong, please tell me what I did
I don't know if that's the problem, the only thing I ever posted on his profile is that he doesn't lift, and he's not an admin throw things at him, obviously a joke and not to be taken seriously, not as serious as half of a year at least.
Wait for his reply.

Also, such messages on the profile page of a Super Administrator aren't the smartest of ideas.
That's understandable, and if it means anything, i'm sorry to whom I offended, that wasn't my intention.

If I did happen offend anyone I understand a ban would be appropriate but half a year is a bit drastic.
A group of individuals (including yourself) was suspended for mocking, humiliating and disrespecting a former staff member. As if the usual trolling wasn't enough, this time things were taken all the way up to death-threats.

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