Why did my ban increase after unban req?
You swear your not sexist? There is some solid evidence that shows you are..
Kind Regards,
So. Swearing means lie for u?

I just wanna play fl
Kind Regards
Lucifer, your private demon.
"I swear I am not sexist" Means I am not sexist. As shown there is solid evidence that there is. I never said you was lying. Might be best for you to get into your head your not getting unbanned anytime soon from what has been shown against you.
Kind Regards,
Is it possible in a few weeks? I know ur not admin but wat u think ?
Kind Regards
Lucifer, your private demon.
The ban is deserved and it will stay. There is nothing more to discuss here. You received your reason for why the ban was extended and in full detail.


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