[CLOSED] Global Liberation Army (G.L.A.)
Congrats Elemental!
(07-22-2013, 05:40 AM)PREDITOROFWAR Wrote: Congrats Elemental!

Steam name: Kasp3094

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:21596672

Timezone: +1

RP points: 0

Time on server: 84 hours

Bans: 0

In game name: Alexander Davidson

Tell us about yourself(IC): I'm a veteran from Denmark who fought in the middle east when I served. After the war I left my country to find an answer for all my questions. Then I arrived in EvoCity and tried to start my own business as a gundealer however I lost that very quick due a corrupt president. Now I have be hanging around with rebels and thugs for the last year. I have now done things that I aint proud of, and I will like to change my ways. When I heard about the G.L.A I thought to myself that this was my chance to do something good for this world and that's way this letter fallen into your hands General.

A Quote you would say(can be anything): An eye for an eye is a common and popular thing to say... However people forget that in the end every becomes blind.

What can you offer the G.L.A.:
OOC: Well I do see myself as a Mature RP playing and that is never a bad thing as my opinion, I'm still a noob in the FL sense and I'm still making RP mistakes, but I'm learning. Other than that, then you could use some more members to do some awesome RP Smile.
Please answer these 5 questions-
1-how would you resolve a conflict of interest between another group? Depends on the situation, if the group has showed hostility towards G.L.A I would first send a hired, non member to be a kinda of diplomat and make him ask the leader of the group to meet me in a place where we are alone and then we can discouse the issue. And if issue can't be solved by diplomatic use, I prefer to take an other hostile group and create a situation where they are going to war with the other group. however it's hard to create such a situation, so if that failed then I will get aggressive and take what we need with force, but only as last resort.
2-do you prefer passive rp, or aggressive rp? Both, depends of what kinda humor I'm in.
3-what is the highest achievable rank in the G.L.A.? General.
4-What do you think of the G.L.A.? Well to be honest I havn't see you RPing, but I'm checking out every clan in FL to see what has a lot of activites and good leaders.
5-The G.L.A. are a derivative from what game? Game I thought it was taken from history this People's Liberation Army‎ just without the communist goals. So sorry I have to say that I don't have any idea.
Thank your for your application, The GLA generals will discuss your application and report back to you as soon as its over.
The Generals have been away but will be returning shortly. so brace yourself because things are going to get more interesting around here.

if your a member hang tight, we will set a date vary soon for our G.L.A. meeting. so stay tuned for that next update. we will be dropping in shortly.

thank you for your patients.
Sorry for the delay, the meeting has been scheduled for -Sunday August 4th- it is mandatory for all members, those who fail to attend will be dealt with accordingly. Just be in the server at this day and you will be contacted about the location. That it all.
I will be there! Is there any specific time that would be good to join?
(08-03-2013, 08:37 PM)Yankee Wrote: I will be there! Is there any specific time that would be good to join?

We will be on mostly all day so whenever you would normally get on should work. If we end up waiting on someone we will message them via steam to get on.
Something has recently come up for me (in real life), so until I get that dealt with I am going to have to drop out. I hope I will be able to deal with it soon.
(08-05-2013, 02:15 AM)Yankee Wrote: Something has recently come up for me (in real life), so until I get that dealt with I am going to have to drop out. I hope I will be able to deal with it soon.

The G.L.A. wish you safe travels and are sad to see you go, though for a short time you served well.

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