BR-on AstroDay[ISR]
Player name: AstroDay[ISR]

steam id:STEAM_0:0:68845924

Time: dosent change anything

Server: v33x

Summary Thinkingo i pull up to the corleones and i see some one not letting anyone in unless there corleones or give him 200$ i told theme that that was breaking the rules that he could base a house but not in the whole entire corleones área and the only owned one house
Actualy i owned one house astro owned one and paperhat owned one check the doors before you randomly posting BR
omm its stilll breakin gthe rules when u block off STREETS i dont mind blokin goff houses to base in but u were blockin goff streets and u guys were pointing a gun at me askin gme for 200$ so thats also random mugging
You shouldn't be blocking off public streets without admin approval.
i didnt but i was there
approved or denied?
I think It Aproved Cuz I See In The Bans That He Is Banned Cuz A BR
Ban request reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:
Evidence was deemed sufficient. Accused player, StroDay[ISR] (STEAM_0:0:68845924), was found violating rules regarding blocking off public areas without administrator approval.
Suspension will be applied for 1 day.

[FL] Aviator
Server Administrative Team

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