unban for my friend
Your name: FAT STREAM >:3 (this is my friend)

Your ban ID: 14128

Banned by: ruxandra

Reason: Collaborating with the government as a Rebel, 10 bans on record, most regarding RDM.

Involved: i can't rememer this or what happend.
Why we should unban you: so, i am "thenightshadow" and by looking at my banning records, you can see that i got 9 bans and all of them has expired. I dont remember any of theese bans or how i got them, but i have not been playing on any of fearless servers for about a year. As you can see i am unbanned but my friend "FAT STREAM >:3" got a permanent ban for something i cant remember. We were playing on this server alot every day and as i said, this was a year ago. we were very annoying for alot of people and its not like we was trying to be annoying. We were just always trying to find an easier way to get money and items, wich often ended up with a ban. I really want to play on this server cuz i really enjoyed it, but it's not the same when i cant play with my friend. we were donators both of us and really loved the server.i am posting this for my friend because it has been about a year now i think since the perm ban, and i am asking for him to get unbanned. We are alot more mature now and we respect people in a totally different way. Both of us would be glad if you could delete our donator status, and reset our cash and everything just to give us another chance, like for a couple of days. He really wants to prove that he can play seriously without always breaking the rules. please consider this as it was nearly 1 year ago. all we want is a little bit of time to show you that we can play seriously. (btw he cant log in on this website, thats kind off why im doin this for him.) i do understand that my 9 bans and his 10 bans will probably make this impossible. but i am really hoping you guys can give us a few days to prove it. Thanks.
(sorry for bad english, or spelling)
Your account your responsibility.
Denied - he can post his own unban request

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