Ban Request F2B qu3l Matthew Giluano
Name of player: Matthew Giluano

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:32759924

Time in GMT: About 10:20 AM GMT -6:00 Central Time

Server: Main Evocity_v2d

Summary: Well I was the Don and he decided to molotov my room filled with contraband worth thousands of dollars. As you can see in the video he is part of the Corleone's. Please punish him with your best judgement.

Evidence: (Give it a few minutes, still uploading)

Thanks for reading, -Zoidy
Wow really? It was my little brother playing.

I also agreed with you after, my little brother did it, that i could give you 15k for your loss of contrabands. (I have screenshots)

You can also check logs, that i gave him the money and he also said in chat "I deleted the video, thanks"(Something like that)

How original "My brother was playing"
Thats what they all say, blame it on your brother.
Your account, your responsibility.
It really was and it's very immature of you doing this after we agreed.
Also I would take his ban history into consideration, and ban him accordingly to his history.
Ban request reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:
Evidence was deemed sufficient. Accused player, [F2B] qu3L (STEAM_0:0:32759924), was found violating rules regarding randomly Molotoving the same class.
Suspension will be applied for 2 days.

[FL] Aviator
Server Administrative Team

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