Ban Lengths
Hey guys I was just wondering, is there a perma-ban?
I know theres a perma-ban but is there a certain amount of bans you to get it.
As I am now at my 12 ban. The length extends but is there a time when the length is set to Perma?


P.s. Is there anyway I can get my bans reset? even if I had to pay a little?
You can make an unban request aslong as you have a good reason Smile
Sincerely, TotallyGG
Community Member & Donator

There is no amount of bans before perm, its about what your last bans was from, the period of time they we're issued on etc.
Your bans will not be reset under any circumstances.

There is no specific number of bans you will be permanently suspended on, this is up to the banning administrator.
Basically for the perm just look for a last chance ban. It doesn't have to be there but most hand it out before the perm.
12 bans? You're dangerously close. If you do proceed to violate any more rules you're looking at probably 6 months minimum, perhaps even a perm.

I'd suggest taking extreme care and not trying anything that could even remotely be considered rule-breaking.
Hello Iwan,

When an administrator bans someone, they choose the ban length depending on:
  • Playtime on the server
  • Previous suspension
  • What rule was broken (That includes the scale, was it a minor proppushing, or a heavy one)
  • Cooperation while investigating

There is no strict rules saying how long a ban for breaking rule xyz needs, or must be. Let me remind you here at Fearless there are many administrators and moderators, with different points of view, so if you got banned for longer than someone else it does not necessarly mean the other administrator is nicer.
[Image: JmCzDqB.png]
I'd like to add, personally, if you co-operate with me during a case with your involvement and I intended on giving you a permanent suspension, my mind will change.

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