shorten time or unban if possible (elemental)
name: Elemental
id: 32939
banned by: vauld
reason: Failure to Fear RP, Fail RP
involved: 2 cops.

my story: i was driving to the lake, a cop started to pull me over for no reason, i try to escape, i get stuck, i run and they chased me, i had my gun out and started shooting them and then they started to shoot me back. so thats how i got banned! (i was rebel).

Motivation for unban: i have 77 hours and this is my first ban on fearlessRP. i dont know what i did wrong but i can assure you i wont do it again (what ever it is). BTW i am on your server everyday after school for about 3-4 hours at a time and on weekends im on all day, so im kinda sad i got banned for something so small.

its funny because the cops were actually pulling over every car they see! dont believe me ask 'confusedlion'. they'll tell you!
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
I am not involved and have no reason to post here.
If someone is pointing a gun at you, or your car. You have to listen to what they say/tell you to do. If you don't it's breaking Fear RP. You also cannot pull out a gun on someone when they already have a gun on you. You failed to do either of these things. Thus why you were banned. Please read the rules once more to clarify yourself.

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