XMX-Pedobear Too low edvience
Your name: XMX-Pedobear™©

Your ban ID: 32717 or this 32655 i dont know

Banned by: Termin

Reason: Ban request 32655 approved: RDMing civilians as SRU. Last Chance.

Involved: Only me,,

Why we should unban you: Not RDM he doed something i dont remember and run i sayed stop.. my wiew not good edvience..

i remember now he trying kill me with knife in the nexus.

Or something ..I do not remember correctly
Sorry bad english
Termin has suspended you from what he saw, no evidence is required in this case.
But not RDM
You shot at unarmed civilians, you have a tazer, therefore RDM. Even if someone shoots at you then drops their gun, they are still unarmed and must be treated as such.
Okay sorry but he runned and runned i sayed stop tazer not work please create better tazer gun....
The tazer has a cooldown so it cannot be spammed, if you miss then keep clicking you need to wait for it to work again.
I tryed tazed he about 5 min and i startet shooting what else i do ????

And This is ban ID Ban request 32655 ????+
The request number is the thread ID, such as this thread is ID #32707.

If he is running away from tazer point and you ask him to stop it is breaking fearRP, record/get multiple screenshots and post a ban request then leave him.

Unban request denied

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