Ban shorten request
Your name: Awesome Sauce

Your ban ID: 32289

Banned by: [FL] Narcotic

Reason: Hugely chair and hydraulics minging

Involved: The guy in my chair thing if it counts

Why we should unban you: I saw a guy attaching 2 elastics to a chair then the sky and using it like a swing of sorts, he got banned btw, for 3 months, and so did i. I got an idea from him and...well, pretty much did the same but with 1 elastic and i was watching someone play with it in my chair when i had to go somewhere else quickly and forgot to delete it. As i was returning to that spot (to delete the elastic chair thingy) I got banned by Narc. I PMd him stating that i thought the ban was too long, and he simply said "I don't". When I asked him to explain he just replied "No".....I mean, for a chair attached with an elastic I think it's a bit too harsh of a ban. I know I broke the rules, but I wasn't even bothering anyone (atleast I didn't get any "OMFG failrp your gonna get banned" messages). In fact, what's-his-face (not his actual name) was enjoying it, going "wee" and all, so I think 3 months is a bit too harsh...

PS: Now that I remember correctly I did not delete it when I left (someone called me to the gun shop i think) because the guy on the chair was enjoying it and I did not want to end the "fun"

PPS: Narc denied this when I posted in another section but he banned me in the first place, he had the coice to make the ban 3 months and he did it, so it doesn't really count imo.
Signature removed, inappropriate image.
You already posted what you considered to be an unban request in another section, but alright.

You swinged your chair through the skybox abusing your tools massively.

Appeal denied, your suspension will not be lifted.

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