This is it.
I had a great time here and I was on the verge of leaving a a couple of months ago but since I have so many friends here I just didnt have it in me. Some of them has showed their true selfs lately though but thats not the reason I am leaving.

The reason is that I just dont find it as fun as before. I have been inactive due to other things and have joined the servers now and then but when I do I dont have as fun as I used to have, I dont feel the same "passion" as I once had and it feels like many others have lost it too.

Anyways, I cant say that I am leaving permanently because I will still lurk the forums and eventually I will probably hop back on the servers but for now you wont see me on the servers anymore.

I know I told people I would never leave and its kinda true but I just want to say sorry to them who I kinda let down with this.

NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO not real.
bye D;
It's always sad to see a member of Fearless leave, goodbye and good luck in what ever you may do in the future!
It's sad to see you go.
I wish you luck in your future endeavors.
Goodbye, Humla.

Take care.
See you Humla
Farewell Humla! You were a great member of fearless and you will be missed.
Goodbye and have fun with your new community
[Image: yk9I3Jg.png]
No way Humla, you were a great friend. We'll keep in touch on Steam for sure!!
"We all do dumb things, that's what makes us human.”

- Hossan Ramzy

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