unban my ban
Your name: «[N-G]» Gt Solo

Your ban ID: 14696

Banned by: [FL] Temar

Reason: Propkilling, absolutely no remorse, general minge.- Rux

Reason for Unban:i was got that ban before 1 year or something like that and i think i need get unban beacuse when i was got that ban i was very Stupid and i am really sorry about what i did and Yesterday i was play in other user {of my Member}
in the servers and i was enjoy and i was Change please forgive me.
please Consider unban me
So you're saying that you were on another account to evade your ban?
no i didnt say that i was go to visit hem and is play the server and is go to eat and then i was play a little Sad

and i really want to play the servers again then please unban me i know what i did was stuped And realized Lessons then give me please Second chance
Please be patient and wait for the administrator to respond. Do not post silly comments such as shown above.
ok sorry.....................
as shown in the ban reason, this is Ruxandras ban not mine, I simple did the ban as requested
aaaaaa ok then know i konw the real reason for my ban ruxandras play with in basswars beafor 1 years and i was killed them there always and is say to me i will get ban in FL for that and i Saying to hem we will se and you cant do that and i was Nervous about what is say and i kill them in basewars every sec and i have Witnesses then Super Admin then decide what you want to do with me I'm glad now that I know what the real reason for my Laban

and more one thing i didnt remmber i did propkill but i show that type in the reason then in the reason for my unban i said i was stuped and i was sorry now i know ruxandras use in is admin for Bad goals and i am sure you dont balive for what i was say but that ok and owner i wait for your answer
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
I didn't understand anything of what did You just said.

No offence though.

Not involved, warned. - DoomDude1
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:42460722&b=1]
"Use the force, harry." -Gandalf
what you dont undrstand rux use abouse admin i didnt realy did propkill i was kill hem in other server alot time and is give me parma ban for nothing

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