BR - Spam.
Name of player: Spam.

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:19545104

Time in GMT: When this was posted (8:40 AM ish)

Server: V2D

Summary: So I'm walking around, now this isnt a big deal, but he has a BMD sign outside his window. Thats failRP. In real life to black market dealers (and drug dealers (kinda)) walk around holding a sign? Really? I tried to tell him he can have the shop just remove the sign be he insisted that I was a noob and didnt know the rules. Holdem told me this personally and deleted my sign a while back so I dont understand why he thinks its OK too. I told him. Its FailRP and Its really annoying to see this. It ruins RP I think (Maybe thats just my OCD but...)

Nice one, as i already said i did this RP also on yesterday and got seen by Holdem and Termin. Termin asked what was i selling, i said im a flower seller. He asked what's that BMD-sign and i said It's abbreviation about my store's name. Beautifully Marked Dreams. Termin was laughing and said "Okay im watching you". So yeah i think it is allowed to do that. And yeah, after 238 hours of playing in your servers i have NEVER seen anyone banned for reason making a store in the city XD. I know theres a rule of it, but everyone is kinda breaking it. Thats all i need to say lol
Quick Question, was weed legal at that time?
Doctor Internet;

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It was, yes when i maked the texts Smile
Actually no it wasn't, griim was pres and he made all drugs illegal.
(05-01-2013, 03:55 PM)FallenMoons Wrote: Actually no it wasn't, griim was pres and he made all drugs illegal.

I made the texts long while before GRiiM got a pres job.
Still should have updated them for the new laws. Laws change bra.

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