Recent server downs becoming frequent
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Hey everyone,

I was just wondering what is going on with the server lately. Seems everytime I get on the website the Gametracker banners state the server is offline. Are these all crashes? Are we being hacked? Its a bit disappointing because I dont have much time to play these days. Maybe once summer hits I will be on more. Just wondering, I mean, I am not demanding change or anything, I understand, everyone is finishing school, final exams, Soul is SUPER busy, Nudel just finished school (congrats on that) but you know, im curious. Thanks Smile

Really, the reason keeps changing. It's either:

1/ Rager gets banned and DDoS' us in particular.
2/ Someone's DDoSing the Host
3/ Garry.
4/ General instability/bugs with the gamemode, it being a Cider spin-off and all.
Thanks, well yeah, Garrys is awesome, but he is also an idiot. He is *snifs* destroying rp servers ;(! lol
Actually, most updates that break GMod servers are launched by Valve/Steam, then Garry fixed them.
Ahh, so I noticed there is now a picture of a guy crying and no more C:SS server, did another big thing happen?

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