Ban Request (NyanKoala)
(04-30-2013, 03:19 PM)nyankoala Wrote: lawl , you breaking the rules too before you was propblocking and mining :/ so dont act like you never break anyrules ,

Are you even old enough to be on a computer?

Two wrongs don't make a right. If you killed me (after you died, as unemployed) because I 'propkild' then you broke basic NLR, RDM, and FailRP rules.

You already admitted it here:

(04-29-2013, 05:17 PM)nyankoala Wrote: lawl you know why ? and you know what you did before? you propkild me and i lost all me stuff . i kild u because i thoug you had maybe me weapons lockpick and me breach , but i whas wrong
you think im a young kid ?because me english is not me first language and not me second but me fourth one ? im learning english right now and i tihnk you know only one language ? and that you are born in UK ore USA ? btw if you want to know me second language is Deutsch and me thirt one : french
(04-30-2013, 11:43 PM)nyankoala Wrote: you think im a young kid ?because me english is not me first language and not me second but me fourth one ?

No, you think two wrongs make a right which is immature in my opinion. Stay on topic please.
Uninvolved users - do not reply anymore.
Mike - please respect other members.

Will review this when I get home.

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