Ban Request for several people. Propspamming/minging.
Name of player:
[FL:RP] Rain
[FL:RP] remi
TvG|WolfFzz(BE)United! Cheese

SwagerSlogger - STEAM_0:0:58756109
[FL:RP] Rain - STEAM_0:0:47121410
[FL:RP] remi - STEAM_0:1:49282623
TvG|WolfFzz(BE)United! Cheese - STEAM_0:0:45907540

Time in GMT: 4:30PM

Server: V2P

Summary: President called me up to his office to heal him, upon arriving I see the a large spam of wooden dressers (the one that is destructible) and teh SS and Police are just having away at all the dressers. It comes to find out they accidentally shot the President a few times so I had to heal him. As I stood there they kept on spawning more and more dressers and prop smashing them and shooting them. I was lucky to make it out of there alive.

More people were involved, like the president, but I didn't have the chance to take Pics of him doing anything. So the only people listed were the ones I have proof of them doing anything.


Remi was one of the prop spammers (when I walked in first)

Wolfzz shooting

Remi Shooting

Rain Shooting.

Their big pile of spammed dressers.

Them prop smashing the Cabinets as well

Swager prop smashing
I only shot a few crates and then stopped because I thought I was doing the wrong thing so I started taking screen shots to post a br on remi but sorry about shooting about 3-4 crates.
(04-21-2013, 04:57 PM)AwesomeCookie19 Wrote: I only shot a few crates and then stopped because I was taking screen shots to post a br on remi but sorry about shooting about 3-4 crates.

Okay, I see. AwesomeCookie has been removed from BR. I do recall you going up the elevator with me.
Seriously? A picture of me with my gun out? Wow.

First of all, only remi was propsspamming, and I was screen down the mic for him to stop it and shot them because they fade away. It was really annoying me what he was doing, so I attempted to rid them however he wasn't listening to I just gave up and walked away.
You were caught shooting at spam props and non-rping, and you were caught. Posting in my profile comments won't solve your issue.
(04-21-2013, 09:20 PM)JackHarkness Wrote: You were caught shooting at spam props and non-rping, and you were caught. Posting in my profile comments won't solve your issue.

I was doing it OOC. And I was just stating that your AB thread with completely invalid, and you should be banned for FailRP.
Why should I be banned for FailRP? I was doing my job and healing the President when he asked me to.
No, that post on your profile is about your admin abuse thread, not this one.
Please stay relevant to this thread, and wait for the admin's ruling.
Okay, I will.

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