Chicken :D unban request
Your name: [FL:RP] Aero & Johnsyndrome21

Your ban ID: Aero : 30175 John: 30176

Banned by: [FL] Jokhah

Reason: Aero: fail RP, getting a car into the flea market to do donuts - John: fail rp, helping aero get a car in a building

Involved: Me and John

Why we should unban you: 1st: We brought the car into Cub Foods so that we could have a car show.
-Reason: we thought it was an original idea and I thought maybe me and him could earn an RP point (not get banned)

Second: The reason that I was messing around was because I was waiting for my friend to bring his car so that we could start the Car show.

3rd: The reason I was still a rebel was because I was going to raid the president but then decided to didn't because we thought of this idea.

I did not bring my car in there just to do donuts , I just want to make that clear.
My and a couple of friends simply wanted to try to get some rp points.

Thanks If you decide to unBan us.
I watched you get the car into cub foods after a few attempts, was in the room with you while you were cutting dounuts. Perhaps next time before you do something that plenty of people have already been banned for, you should ask the admin/mod team if it's okay.
Please re-read point 2 because I wasn't doing random donuts.
And how am I supposed to know many people got banned for this?
I dont just sit on the fourms for hours.

And why was I banned? You never answered my question. You just said many others were banned for this. Reason?

And I didn't think I would have to ask an Admin because its still RP and I thought it was creative no something that had to be inspected.

Please consider the unban on John and I
The reason for your ban is clearly posted on the bans page. You were driving a car in circles in cub foods. You made about 2 laps before I got rid of you. Driving a car into a building is pretty fail, you should have thought about that before you came up with this car show story. I've given it some thought, I've decided to deny this request. You were doing donuts in there and you seem to want to deny that fact.

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