Cool songs you know?
Know any songs you think are different, cool, funny, or just love? Post them here, I want to see what everyone likes, I'll start with Throwing Fire by Ronald Jenkees.
I am yet to have one person dislike this song, so tell me what YOU think. I bobbed my head so hard I hit the door behind me... lol
Haha I just found another one while looking for ringtones, so it is formatted as a ringtone and downloadable, I advise you get it, its so cool. It is a Windows XP Logon Sound, turned into an epic beat, get it here:
Ho-Ly-SHIT that guy is like a god on a keyboard. I play piano bout 8 years too but this is just too much XD
Right? He is amazing. The REALLY funny thing is, he is self taught.
Noobias :
(05-10-2011, 09:45 AM)furlings Wrote: Noobias :

THAT IS EPIC! I was like "Ehh... ok..." then it came on and it was win. Nice
(05-10-2011, 11:16 AM)dryblood321 Wrote:

RWJ's music gets a bit annoying imo, BUT do you like his Vlog? I love him. I hope you do to beacuse he is hilarious.

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