u2kfilm Unfair ban
[b]Your name: [Fl:RP] u2kfilm

[b]Your ban ID: 27175

[b]Banned by: [FL]Narcotic

[b]Reason: Propsurfing - Extended due to priors, 10th ban.

[b]Involved: u2kfilm

[b]Why we should unban you: I (u2kfilm) was banned before I even got on the server (Loading screen). For something which i didnt do. Also i had not been on the server for nearly a month.

I hadn't been on the server for sometime and decided to go back on, when i was in the loading screen a ban message appeared. Me (u2kfilm), Duckiedan and Russian Dimitri had not been on for a month and were in the same room and saw the ban, we were all confused as we had not been on in a while.

I understand that this is my 10th ban, so a shortening would be fine. But i just dont understand why I was banned as i havent been on in so long.

I hope to here a response soon.

I am posting as u2kfilm as he has forgotten his password and is unable to reset it.
I do not remember the incident, but I believe there has been a mistake, as I can see that your story matches what concerns your connection history.

Ban lifted and wiped from record, my apologies.

Appeal approved.

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