[Just to wave hello!]
Well, I've been here quite some time, I believe I joined late 2011, then quit for a good long time, joined back late 2012, and im addicted. So I have known about the server longer then I've played on it, anyhow my name is DigDug on steam, I enjoy videogames(obviously) and very much enjoy fearless as a community, I think its most likely the nicest and wellmade community, the administrators are nice, the people are kind, and I think i'll make a home here, anyhow this post is not a hello its more of a "Hey im over here!" sorta thing, though I am saying hello to anyone who was completely unaware of my existence Smile I mostly play v2d however on occasion I will hop on v2p or v33x, you might see me on either three of those, anyways seeya around! Cheese
[Image: 60e0d10cb7aa2d87b0dbbf25564f8dca.png]

Musician, Ex-Administrator
Welcome back DigDug !
Welcome to the forums!
Lead by example.
Welcome back man, we have already met.
Welcome back Smile
Welcome back!
"We all do dumb things, that's what makes us human.”

- Hossan Ramzy
Welcome back bro, hope to see you in-game!
We've done some RP's together already, you are a nice guy. Welcome back!
Welcome back!
We have already met some weeks ago and talked really much, welcome back btw if you wasn't here for a long time Smile

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