This is a longshot but I will give it a try
Name of player: No clue

SteamID: ^

Time in GMT: 21.06 GMT +1

Server: v33x

Summary: Some guy stole cars and CDMd people left to right. I think the guy who did it CDMd 20-30+ people.

Since I have no information of who the guy is I will give you the exact time and I hope you can check the logs for this particular thing.


This video here was created 21.06:53 GMT +1 which will make the kills the exact time of 21.07:33 (40 seconds later, which shows the killings in the clip)

I hope this is enough to find the guy who did it.

Edit: Here is another clip

The exact death of the victim would be 20.53:38 and I am pretty sure this is the same guy that stole my and others cars to CDM with.
I can Vouch for this.

I died by your car.. Sad
Yours Truely,
It was this character:


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