Ban request on Reddex
Name of player: [FL:RP] Reddex

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:16526580

Time in GMT: 23:00

Server: Build server

Summary: Well he's tranqing people on the server :/ I got tranqed and stepped on before i started recording thats why its grey. Then he tranqed another person, then me again.

There should really be a rule about that on the build server.


WTF? >Sad

Do you know a think called skype? and pressing x by an accident? While saying cya to Japze coz i was shooting him while you was flying right infront of me doing it... Stop whiening about it and go get a life... Japze and Taytay is my friends and we were just having a great time killing eachother on Fearless Build. Why do you mind? We were all ok with it...
Lol why the fake are you whiening like that, we was having fun, and you just got hit by an accident, no big deal. if you lost anything or got you mind blown that someone could have fun on a server, then i feel sorry. yes i was skyping with reddex and we was just having fun. take a chill pile
Dude, you did it alot of times. And would you mind talking like a human being?

Oh and btw.. Reddex noticed his BR so he got a little mad

[Image: 4l64g8.png]
User already banned for this offense. Japze and Taytay have also been found in violation of the rules and now banned.

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