Unban Strangy
Your name: Strangy

Your SteamID: 0:1:6664485

Banning Admin: Storm

Ban Length: 4 days

Reason for the ban: Spamming Flame

Why we should unban you: I dont have Spamming it

http://www.xfire.com/video/45c58c/ <--Here you can see i have shot ONE!!!

one is not spamming!

You and the other guy were minging about anyway.
You deserved the ban, you knew full well what you were doing, and would not have done so if an admin was on the server.
but you ban me for "Spamming" and you see "one shot" this is not spamming =/
You were still using it inappropriately, which is mingey and against the rules.
please unban me storm v.v 4 days is long Sad
please please please >.<
i have buy today a corvette q.q and now cant drive Q__Q

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