Unban Request
Your name: Foxymomo1156

Your ban ID: 27954

Banned by: Narcotic (Approved BR)

Reason: BR Approved: Propblocking, doubledooring

Involved: Several rebels were outside of my shop wallblasting me for no reason whatsoever, however Antropos was the one who filed the request.

Why we should unban you: I love fearless, and ive donated. (note that im not trying to bribe you with donations, im simply stating i wouldnt give money to something and knowingly break the rules) I also believe i was wrongly banned. i will use the evidence that got me banned in the first place to proove my innnocence. in the video, you can see a large plate over the door, and several rebels outside wallbanging. it all started when i was on the inside, building my store. i put a large wall up with a fading door (for protection) and a large plate that covered the entrance (stop hostiles after theft/physical altercation) there was a button to the entrance cover, and keypads on both side of my wall. i was talking to my security guard when one rebel ran inside and shot me through the hole in the wall for transactions. i slammed the door barricade on and me and security hopped over the wall to deal with the shooter. upon seeing their friend in peril, the rebels on the outside unloaded all their weapons into my store, killing me and my security. i then had to wait the 17 seconds to respawn, and had to drive back to my store before i could remove the barricade, so the entrance was blocked for one or two minutes. in the video you can see the rebels unloading their weapons, and killing me and security, and thus i couldnt open the barricade. i was also banned on account of double dooring. there was no admin online at the time so i couldnt get any help regarding the door rules, however it can be seen in the logs i sent out and @ message asking for help on door rules. Rule 1 of fearless door rules states: "Do not build more than 2 custom doors which are not public in a row." im not really sure what 'not public' means but all i had was two doors, and all the rule says is no more than two. all other door rules were followed.

The security guard at the time was: pggdragon (STEAM_0:0:36795093) and he could vouch fully for the events that occurred.

Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this request.


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fsVvKYH...e=youtu.be
If there's no administrator on, ask people in OOC, if nobody replies, don't do something doubtable.

You broke the rules and it's clear in the video.


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