Ryan! Unperm Request
Your name: Ryan!

Your ban ID: 7504

Banned by: Elder

Reason: ban request approved, aggressive RP, rude behavior towards admins, fail RP, encouraging others to fail RP

Involved: N/A

Why we should unban you:

Good afternoon everyone, most of you do not know me. My name is Ryan! and I have been permanently banned from Fearless for over a year now. This is mainly due to my immaturity in the past and looking back at it I was pretty dumb with the things I did. Things such as molotoving the monorail and calling people pretty nasty things on the servers.

I have realized that some of the bans I have received I do not agree with, but I do understand the reasoning behind them. What I am here for is a chance to work on the servers once more. Some do not buy into maturity over a single year, but I have went through it as I am coming on my fifteenth birthday in June. When I first joined these servers I was 13 years old. So maturity was the main fault I had. As you look at my bans it shows that. Most of them either fighting with admins or using hate speech as Blackdog put it in one of my bans.

In my time away from Fearless I was an admin on a darkrp server. This taught me many things and also gave me an interest in Fearless once more due to the horrible roleplays that went on here. The attitude of people on this server has gave me more of a sense of what an admin goes through and has prepared me more a second chance here.

I hope you guys can accept me into the community again.
[Image: SEYlcy8.png]
I for one think your appeals in the past were a bit misleading because they were being handled with bias opinions.

I dont approve of that kind of administration.

We are discussing it and will let you know asap.

Thank you for staying dedicated enough to keep trying to get unbanned.
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After speaking with the team we have come to the agreement that you deserve a second chance.


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