Your name: WiruxZ

Your ban ID: idk

Banned by: idk

Reason: Propclimbing and im very sorry

Involved: Simos teewser and an other guy

Why we should unban you: becuse im very very very sorry so hope u understanding

about me

My name is Elias my game name is WiruxZ and ingame name is Lars-Olof Persson and im missunderstanding the rules and im very sorry im was building a bass with simos teewser and an other guy with and im really sorry and im wondering if i could get unbann thanks for understanding! <33 sorry for my bad english
But thanks // WiruxZ
Greetings WiruxZ,

I highly suggest checking this page - http://www.fearlessrp.net/bans/index.php - and inputting your username or SteamID to find information to fill out the 'Banned by:' and 'Reason:' sections.

I also advise reading http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?tid=1021 to see that appeals are only for unjust suspensions; no matter how sorry you are.
If you don't want to put effort into finding out things properly or post a proper dispute, an unban is not suitable at all.


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