Unban Request
Your name: martyn.connolly

Your ban ID: 27309

Banned by: FL Narcotic

Reason: "PropSpamming"

Involved: [FL:M] Jokhah (Moderator) [FL] Narcotic (Admin) leerico and a few other unknown players

Why we should unban you: Ok so first of all I was killed by a melon from the top floor of the nexus after I respawn wait until NLR I go back to the Nexus to see if its still happening and behold people still being killed by melons. Now all I did was merely spawn a few beer bottles and melons as a joke with me and leerico. Afterwards Jokhah took me up onto the rooftop and told me to stop which I complied with. Now I dont see why Narc hads to ban me even although he wasnt on the server. I also find it extremely harsh with a 3 month ban considering shortly beofore hand I posted a BR on a guy who got the same length of ban and completely lagged out the game. I feel that a blacklist on my props would have been more sufficient or a smaller ban. Although not that I am in any position ot say so.
[Image: 64jmzs.png]

Looking forward to your reply. If you have any queries do not hesitate to PM me or post a comment and I'll do my best to assist you.

[Image: 64jmzs.png]

(Edit) Also I would like to add in that this is my first ban and this is really the only server I play having the game for a mere 8 days I have managed to accumulate 80 odd hours or so on the server.
I'll look into how many props you spammed, I'd also like you to be honest whether the case is that you tried to crash the server or just to "troll".
(03-17-2013, 12:02 PM)Narcotic Wrote: I'll look into how many props you spammed, I'd also like you to be honest whether the case is that you tried to crash the server or just to "troll".

There was genuinely no intention to crash the server. Why would I possibly want to do that I'm the one that looses out on it as I never reconnect. It was mainly trolling but it wasnt like I was aiming them up in the sky and dropping them from a massive height. I spawned them looking at the wall. And only intended it to be a hinderance to lee rico and myself not anyone else (which it wasnt)
I had noted people were spamming melons, then talked to you about when I caught you doing. After doing a log check a lot of people were doing it, 3-4 and some of them not just with melons. When I noted what was going on and confirmed log check, I reported the spam to the admin team. My question is why did any of you think it is okay / good rp to make it rain props onto people at any point?
(03-17-2013, 07:11 PM)Jokhah Wrote: I had noted people were spamming melons, then talked to you about when I caught you doing. After doing a log check a lot of people were doing it, 3-4 and some of them not just with melons. When I noted what was going on and confirmed log check, I reported the spam to the admin team. My question is why did any of you think it is okay / good rp to make it rain props onto people at any point?

You say that making it sound like I massive prop abuser an overall fail rp. Its not as if this was all I did in the time I was on the server. Obviously its not ok, I never said at any point in this unban request that it was. More to the point as stated in my point 3 months is extremely harsh and especially for a few melons being spawned. You'd think stuff like mass CDM and complete minges would get more of a ban but apparently not.
I'll lift the ban if you accept a 50 hour props, physgun and toolgun blacklist.
(03-18-2013, 09:11 AM)Narcotic Wrote: I'll lift the ban if you accept a 50 hour props, physgun and toolgun blacklist.

I would gladly accept that.
Appeal approved. If another administrator could lift suspension and apply PTE suspension.
If not, latest is 2:00pm GMT.

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