Ban Request on 2
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Time in GMT: ‎17. ‎december ‎2012, ‏‎20:41:30

Server: v33x

Summary: was raiding a chef and a bmd, who has contra

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(03-09-2013, 08:45 AM)Dron2666 Wrote: Id honestly like to say, this man is the biggest prick Iv ever met, constantly raiding, being a prick, blaming people when he loses, now hes just out on a rat run, tryna catch everyone out, yet he is random raiding in nearly every video he has posted on here, hope he gets a nice ban...

lol you will try to get me banned i and BR on a other person?
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(03-09-2013, 11:14 AM)DJ13 Wrote: Tbh i see this to a number of ur ban requests you have posted in the last 24 hours was you raiding, now ive been raided alot in past few days because ppl just randomly doing it and it im sure u havnt got rp reasons u just seem to be raiding at your own leisure

i love to raid, but hate to do it random. bcz if you need a admin to delete propblock or other thing and he not get contra. you just post your self. os need a reason all the time. understand?
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
User was warned for: Posting in a thread without the sufficient right
Definate basing as a chef and BMD.
Ban request approved on Kory.
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