Your name: Ghinni

Your ban ID: 26845 This ban.
And remove those:
Banned by: Salinsky

Reason: 12th ban and calling friend fa ggot.

Involved: Me, Viljoel and GL Yonno

Why we should unban you:
Salinsky, it was joke when i said: Follow me yonno you little ***. We was going to lake físhing. Me and yonno are best friends.
And then remvoe that raiding whitout warrant ban, we wasnt raiiding, we was trying to kill one corleone because he tried to kill us.

 -Semper FI-
Racist and homophobic language is not tolerated here. You've been a member longer then me and I know that.
Uhm, it was just joke. Tounge

 -Semper FI-
Why should your other ban be removed?

Also, homophobia is strictly forbidden on the server, in any manner or form. Whether it's directed towards your friend or not, it doesn't make a difference.
I oppose an unban as the user has a large history and still doesn't seem to know what can and can't be said/done in the servers.
What's with the lack of effort? Please explain further what happened.

Quote:14. No racism, sexism, discrimination or hate speech, also not in IC chats.
Denied, user will serve his time as he has constantly ignored and breaks our rules.

This is your last chance. I hope you learn from this break.
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