Duncan Whiley's Unban Req.
Your nameCheeseuncan Whiley

Your ban ID:26882
[b]Banned by: [FL] Fultzy

: Invalid reason to kill RDM.

[b]Involved: Duncan Whiley, Fultzy, LewisH, all the cops, Random unemployed helping us when we did not ask.

[b]Why we should unban you: So this started off when these cops tried arresting me and my friend LewisH (We had are names set to The Pitbulls which is our clan/ gang) and we had it handled just a firefight with some noob cops normal you know. So then a bunch of unemployed come out of nowhere and start helping and it was all normal no rules broken. So me and LewisH are just talking to the unemployed and then this cop gets in a fight and then everyone starts pulling guns and I pulled mine and says just leave and you wont be killed so he left(Since this cop was breaking NLR) . A few minutes later me and Lewis decide lets go for a drive and when I spawn my car a cop just comes out of nowhere and just handcuffs lewis then bolts and I was like "Hell nawww" so I started shooting then cops everywhere then the unemployed come and i'm trying to get the cops to stop shooting us while trying to save Lewis. and even though I try to talk to the cops they just keep on shooting and there's no way i'm just going to start use @ and call an admin while getting shot in the face. but after I kill the cops and save Lewis I realize my car was stolen and I see someone in it then out of nowhere i'm on the admin roof and Fultzy is like "Explain" and I first said that my car was getting stolen if he was wondering about that. But i'm like "he's obviously talking about that shootout". and I explain why I was shooting the cops which was because they tried arresting my friend and all that I said up there. Then he just gives me a 2 day ban and me and Lewis are in a skype call and he starts pming Fulzty. ( He also screenshoted the whole conversation if you need any evidence of what i'm about to say) So he say's why did you ban him if he was killing cops trying to arrest me and shoot at him, Something like that. After that he then admits to Lewis that he did not ban me for rdm (Since I did not rdm) but for backseat administrating. So then he tells him stuff about if I wasn't banned for rdm or backseat administrating then why was I banned. Then Fultzy said something about that I am just going to ignore you now. Lewis says that if you are going to ignore me then why don't I post a admin abuse thread. Fultzy replies I have replied instantly to all your pm's what more do you wan't and Lewis replies that the situation is not solved yet this conversation is not over. Ok this is what annoy's me to. Lewis then adds why did you not ban any of the cops that broke NLR or the unemployed that helped and Fultzy replies "I gave them a warning" :\. So I got a two day ban for rdm when I did not rdm and that the cops who came out after us killing them and they get a warning ? Then Lewis starts to say he's just making excuses now, He knows he's in the wrong. Then Fultzy left. Well thats as best as I can explain this story as I had to get it all explained by my friend. If this was not enough info about the pm conversation then I can get my friend to post the screenshots of the conversation tomorrow as he has gone to bed already.
Thanks for reading this hardcore story Tounge. Hope you can understand
The whole reason you guys pulled the guns in the first part of your explanation was because the one kid you were talking too was walking around with a knife. The cop pulls the pistol on him telling him to put it away. This results in you and all your other buddies to pull heavy weaponry on him in the middle of the city. The cop then runs away. The cop then comes back and then tries to handcuff Lewis. And you open fire on him (Once again in the middle of the city) you then start a whole fire fight in the city AGAIN. I then banned you for RDM. You were constantly promoting aggressive rp in the city and killed a cop for handcuffing your friend. I do not see why you think what you were doing was "Normal"
(03-12-2013, 12:55 AM)Fultzy Wrote: The whole reason you guys pulled the guns in the first part of your explanation was because the one kid you were talking too was walking around with a knife. The cop pulls the pistol on him telling him to put it away. This results in you and all your other buddies to pull heavy weaponry on him in the middle of the city. The cop then runs away. The cop then comes back and then tries to handcuff Lewis. And you open fire on him (Once again in the middle of the city) you then start a whole fire fight in the city AGAIN. I then banned you for RDM. You were constantly promoting aggressive rp in the city and killed a cop for handcuffing your friend. I do not see why you think what you were doing was "Normal"

Ok i'll tell the Lewis to post the screenshots tomorrow then we can sort this out. Also I told the cop to leave I was not promoting aggressive rp. yet I have done all I could have to prevent a fight but as you said the cops where just way to nooby to understand. Multiple times I tried to get them to stop shooting by saying "put the gun down" but then persist to put every last bullet of their mag into me. I also said something to the guy with the knife that their was no reason to knife the cop. That is all I need to say we can solve this tomorrow once the evidence comes.
Why cant you explain this yourself?

If you want the pictures of our conversation It was me saying you guys should of reported the cops instead of killing them, and him telling me he was going to post an admin abuse on me because of me banning you.

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