Unban Request Darkyoshi
Your name: Darkyoshi

Your ban ID: 26339

Banned by: Beflok

Reason: I have no idea why i was banned. Reason listed is: 'admin disrespect- narc evidence screen' (Extended due to current ban) How can i do any kind of admin disrespect when im not on the server? and still were banned?

Involved: Well, Beflok i think because he banned me while i was banned from the servers... or maybe because the other unban request was disrespecting.

Why we should unban you: Why? first of all when i got banned yesterday, every minute was like pain, and today i have been on work and couldent be more happy because i could finally play on the servers again. So i got home from work, and i still were banned, i check the ban pages and i had a new ban, I have no idea how i could admin disrespect on a server when im banned from the server, i couldn't be on any of the servers when i was banned.

And yes i have a friend that can confirm that we both were playing WoW, and LoL the whole day yesterday after i got banned. What we did on WoW yesterday was farming instances, Raid Finder, doing all dailyquests and just RPing like bitches. on LoL we just were playing games and owning some kids.

My friend's name is Element and I'll get him to write here to confirm that.

I have no idea if someone stole my name or something just to fuwk with me..
Yeah, I can confirm that yesterday we were playing WoW and LoL because he was banned. We usually do things together, so when he got banned we played the games above. I was on the servers aswell yesterday, but Darkyoshi was never on the servers, which means he could never been disrespectful against any admins. But then again, maybe you saw his unban request disrespectful in a way. I was online the time he got the extended ban aswell, but he was never there. I got kinda shocked when I saw he got the extended ban because he couldn't have done anything other than PM you guys on the website which he didn't.
I was submitted a screen shot of you being disrespectful towards narcotic while the server had crashed.
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Well as stated over, i never were on the server after i got the ban, then i just quitted playing because i knew i coulden't get into any of the servers. and i would really like to see the evidence. or its an unfair ban anyway like it is now.
If you can't sit out a ban without harassing a staff member, it's no good.
I was still banned, so i did sit out my ban. i didn't open Garry's mod untill the day after and after i was done at work. so thats the actuall ban reason? "sat out his ban". If i did it, then i wanna see the proof that i did, i do have rights to see what i did that was wrong. or else this is just totally random ban.

I could not even know if the server was crashed. i were not online on Gmod those whole 24 hours anyway.

Well Please i BEG you yous to remove the ban. or atlease lower it a bit, because i really want to play on the server(s) and if i did anything harassment against a staff member in any way, i'm REALLY sorry, it was not my intentions.

Now please take the decision about the ban Smile
Still no evidence? How funny
We don't need to show you anything, Element.
Darkyoshi you know what I'm referring to. I shouldn't have to point it out then you be like "Ohh yeah that."

Here's a hint: The game mode was crashed and you said it in ooc chat.

Admins like Narcotic spend so much time out of their day watching the server and cleaning it up. They shouldn't have to be talked about like that.

If you really want a screenshot PM me I can get it from the player that submitted it.

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