PirateCrayons Ban Appeal Again
Your name: PirateCrayons

Your ban ID: 10017

Banned by: [FL] Beflok

Reason: Spawning massive props in street

Involved: Numerous players

Why we should unban you: Well I tried to explain in my previous ban appeal that I was banned when I was brand new to Gmod, it's been nearly a year, I've improved and I have been a head admin and a respected user on darkrp servers.

I don't like people that ruin the fun for others so I stopped being one of those people a long time ago.

What I did was pretty bad but I just wanna be viewed as a different player now and a good one as well as I really enjoy serious RP's and slow paced games and I'm sick of dark rp.

Your server seems like a really well constructed one and I really think I'd enjoy spending my free time on it.

Thank you
You've made too many unbanrequests.
May I just throw in, that after 20 warnings, you still spawned 8x8x8 props all over the map, causing massive lag and Propkill. You may have been new, but not new at following rules.
I just denied your last request. Do not post an unban request right after I denied the previous one.

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