Ban Request - [FL:RP] Mr. Trance - Varkov
Name of player:[FL:RP] Mr. Trance - Varkov

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:21066094

Time in GMT:Sunday 2nd March at approximatly 5-7pm

Server: v33x

Summary:Im constantly getting raided, this time the guy left abit of evidence from his own clumsiness, he blocked my camera so i couldnt see him doing it.. Iv seen in chat that day also other people complaining about him raiding, then later that day I got raided again, but I couldnt catch out who it was. People are starting to get raided more and more often, without sufficent reasons. Admins you guys need to start putting it to these people and gain more control over your server. It is very upsetting when you come home to collect your weed and all the pots are stolen. I have downloaded fraps, and will be beggining to make more BR's now.

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User was warned for: Posting in a thread without the sufficient right
They happen yes, but they are not allowed with just the reason to achieve contra and pots, thats not allowed, only if the cops think you have contra, but I do not hold my contra with my pots so this is oviously random raiding.
Yeah and maybe this isnt enough proof, but its the truth, and I know it, but maybe I cant prove to other that he raided..
Ban request denied, not enough sufficient evidence to issue a ban.
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