Ban Request
Name of player: Bukkakus / Daniel Cutmore

SteamID: Bukkakus STEAM_0:1:3602824

Time in GMT: -

Server: v2p

Summary:Random killing.

Wow. Basically, by removing the sound and editing out shit loads this is blatantly out of context. I can however, by using the video, prove some things are rather obvious.

First kill - He hostaged my friend randomly in the street. You can see me untying the chef in the video and him saying, TY.

Second Kill - You can't hear the audio, he was running into that store back and forth, owned by DMKO. I hostaged him and called to police. No kill.

Third Kill - After repeated warnings, he ran into my house and went to the roof. Top floor apartments. No I don't know if the rules say I have to buy every door, and if they do, my fault . I did buy the doors after he ran through. AT 2.12 he EDITS the video so it doesn't show the following events. He runs away from me despite being at gun point and hostaged. Thats where the FOURTH kill comes into it. After I tell him to stop running, he says on mic that hes just going to jump off. So I shot him.

He was minging all server, following me around and calling me abusive names.
Wow nice lie.

[First kill] I didnt hostage your "friend" i just ran there because i had contra in my apartment and saw you coming thats why i started recording. dont even got a freaking rope to hostage.

[Second kill] Again you dont know what happened, That DMKO backstapped a guy who was standing on the stairs, i followed DMKO to talk about why he did that. Then you appeared and tranqed me without any reason.

[Third kill] I ran into your house? That top apartment was For SALE! You didnt own that, while i took some time to take a look around that place you bought all the doors and then treathened me to go away, you blocked the door and i knew that you were gonna kill me so i tired to hide behind the door.

"You can't hear the audio, he was running into that store back and forth, owned by DMKO. I hostaged him and called to police. No kill."

1.DMKO didnt own any of those doors, all were buyable.
2. You didnt call the police you just randomly tied me up and ran away.

"Wow. Basically, by removing the sound"

I didnt remove the sound,im just recording without it. Derp

"He was minging all server, following me around and calling me abusive names."

Try again.
Yeah Daniboy111 aka Bukkakus is right the real minge is this converter guy. He is blatantly trying to start shit. Disregarding many rules such as fear rp, you can see him just walking away and dodging the gun that is being pointed at him and without the audio you can't hear what is being said and vocal communication is probably the biggest form of evidence because this gives no indication of the circumstances. The fact that converter was there with the chef tied up and then later on in Bukkakus's appartment shows that he was trying to provoke him and in all reality it seems Converter is just trying to piss off Bukkakus to make him do something dumb, if he hostaged my chef during my passive rp i would probably kill him too. No reason to go around recording and provoking people just shows he had no intent of playing rp. I was passive rping during this whole ordeal and obviously i stayed out of it because Bukkakus had him handled but once this ban request came up I was no longer going to sit back and watch.
(03-01-2013, 06:49 PM)Rolorox Wrote: Yeah Daniboy111 aka Bukkakus is right the real minge is this converter guy. He is blatantly trying to start shit. Disregarding many rules such as fear rp, you can see him just walking away and dodging the gun that is being pointed at him and without the audio you can't hear what is being said and vocal communication is probably the biggest form of evidence because this gives no indication of the circumstances. The fact that converter was there with the chef tied up and then later on in Bukkakus's appartment shows that he was trying to provoke him and in all reality it seems Converter is just trying to piss off Bukkakus to make him do something dumb, if he hostaged my chef during my passive rp i would probably kill him too. No reason to go around recording and provoking people just shows he had no intent of playing rp. I was passive rping during this whole ordeal and obviously i stayed out of it because Bukkakus had him handled but once this ban request came up I was no longer going to sit back and watch.

First of all, Bakkakus started the "shit" by killing me for no reason, keep your naughty nose away from this.
Bakkakus - Tranq and killing tranq seems to be related to a hostage situation.
2nd tranq and hostage, cannot conclude who owned the building as it gets purchased while your there.
3rd tranq and hostage led to him killing you. Now that could be a rule break as you were killed while hostaged.

All of this is speculation though. I would like to see a video that is unedited (without music) so that the in game voice can be heard. I think that without the game sounds the video lacks context as it all seemed open up as you were attacked but nothing leading up to and I can see them talking but dunno what was being said.
(03-01-2013, 07:47 PM)Jokhah Wrote: Bakkakus - Tranq and killing tranq seems to be related to a hostage situation.
2nd tranq and hostage, cannot conclude who owned the building as it gets purchased while your there.
3rd tranq and hostage led to him killing you. Now that could be a rule break as you were killed while hostaged.

All of this is speculation though. I would like to see a video that is unedited (without music) so that the in game voice can be heard. I think that without the game sounds the video lacks context as it all seemed open up as you were attacked but nothing leading up to and I can see them talking but dunno what was being said.

I recored with fraps and i had sound thing turned off, because of my 5 months old little brother he is screaming all the time and he would ruin it.
This evidence is not sufficient enough for a ban.

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