Estleback Corporation
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [Uq] Equalizer

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:40601685

How many hours do you have on the servers?: 1700 Hours

Real Age: 16

How many RP points do you have?: 40

How many bans do you have?: 14

In-Character Information

Personal Information:

First Name: Ottaviano

Surname: De Esposito

Age: 23

Nationality: Sicilian, Italian

Normal Information:

Why are you applying for Estleback Corporation?: Because I know what the clan stands for and I feel like its just the organisation for me. I have been helping the clan in the past which I enjoyed and I feel like I can do more for this clan.

What division are you applying for?:

Do you have any experience in the job you are applying for?:Estleback Technology and Construction Division, ETCD.
As Lead Engineer.

[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:40601685&b=10]
[Image: acceptedh.png]
I'm happy to announce that Equalizer have been approved to Estleback Corporation.
Remember to accept my friend invite and the invite to our group.

Kind regards,

(02-20-2013, 06:34 PM)Salinsky Wrote: Leaving the clan due to the clanleader being immature and childish.

Him expecting me to not ban him for exploiting gamebugs and several other reasons which will remain private.

Goodbye, I would love to say that I enjoyed my time at EBC, but I simply didn't.

[Image: joinestleback.png]

I'm sorry to say this, but I'm happy that you've left so I didn't have to kick you as I'm not that backstabber. You've not shown any activity or interest in the clan. You also said that you don't care about the clan. Saying that I'm immature and childish was simply between you and me, and had nothing to do with the clan.

You were my friend, and I hope you looked at me as the same. I've protected you from people calling you bad things etc. I've helped you when you've been reported for admin abuse.. You may not appreciate these things that people do for you, but that's your problem. Banning me like that, more or less kicking me when I lie down and spitting on me, was your decision, just showed me and others how you really are.

I've been banned for one month and 3 weeks, that makes it hard for me to run Estleback. Meantime, I'll give FreddaN full control over Estleback until further notice.

Goodbye Salinsky, we had a great time, but I guess those times are over now. And it hurts in my heart to say that, as you were a really nice guy. But something happened to you, can't put my finger on it.. Bye.

Kind regards,
Kind Regards,
If you feel like discussing it further in Steam just hit me up.
[Image: awardus.png]
Today, Rock Hunter got promoted to
Lead Engineer.

Today, Equalizer got promoted to Scientist..

Kind regards,

[Image: picturesm.png]

Today we had a mission, look:
Pictures have been added under Events/Missions section.

Kind regards,
Kind Regards,
[Image: buildingsa.png]

New building added: Estleback Offical Boat. Check it on the main page in the construction section.

Additional Note: The container will be removed as soon I've access to the servers.

Kind regards,
Kind Regards,
[Image: joinestleback.png]

Meanwhile I'm banned, Rock Hunter will take over my role. He will be under my supervising, of course. He have been informed about this and he have some ideas that the clan will do, shall be fun seeing the result.

There is nothing that can stop Estleback from being the clan it was used to be. The clan will remain updated and active, however, HQ's will be changed (maybe) and the market will be closed, that's it.

Kind regards,

By request from FreddaN he have been relieved from his Vice-President job and moved back to be a Agent.

Kind regards,

All guns action will be controlled by Muldvarpen (lieutenant) until further notice.  

Kind regards,
Kind Regards,
[Image: joinestleback.png]

Good news! My ban/suspension have been lowered to 3 weeks, so I'm back the 14:th mars! See you then!

Kind regards,
Kind Regards,
[Image: tomembers.png]
To all members in Estleback Corporation, please check Estleback's steam group. Please check the group site daily.

Kind regards,
Kind Regards,
[Image: joinestleback.png]

The Storing Division have been removed due to not being interesting... We will soon open a new division, a Research Division.

Kind regards,
Kind Regards,
[Image: joinestleback.png]

Today, Estleback were suppose to have a meeting and after that a mission. But due to some technical problem, it didn't happen. I'm sorry for the trouble. We will have this later, perhaps when I'm back. Again, sorry.

Kind regards,
Kind Regards,

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