[Minecraft] Unban Request: Weecow
Weecow had some weird errors so he asked me to post this for him.

Your name: xWeecow

Your ban ID: 0 (Got no banID)

Banned by:Termin13 (Termin)

Reason 5d Glitching

Involved: Cheesywotsit (Makarov) Isaacer (Ghost)

Why we should unban you:

So here we go. Yesterday i joined a new faction called 'Chaotic' and disbanded my own faction.
It was a pretty nice faction, got on some adventures etc.. But later the guys wanted to PVP around the spawn, and i just followed them
we went to Infernaw's house, midget's treehouse, but later they wanted to go to the ArchAngels, to a tower that was located ontop of a hill
We climbed the hill and found a little place where the height was only 2 blocks, they showed me a little trick of getting in by using a block.
Basically it is jumping and looking down and spamming right click, so a block will be placed for a split second so i can get up.
And we used that, it worked on we got up.

We saw GunFISH on top of the base, we didn't kill him yet, because we weren't ArchAngels enemy's but my faction owners
made them our enemy's, so they killed GunFISH, he fell and lost all his stuff, i looked up and saw Termin floating in the air, termin asked me how we got onto the base, and i showed him the trick, and called it a 'glitch' (Didnt really know what to call it at that moment), termin says that it falls under the rule Exploiting, and i didn't really know that i thought it was just a trick. Because this can be used on almost every mod such as towny, and 'most' servers allow that, but that doesn't count because other servers aren't similiar Fearless, and all have different rules.

I wasn't mine intention to just break in and raid ArchAngels, infact it wasn't my whole idea, but that is my problem, not yours.

I received a 5 day ban for this, which i find a little too much. So i'm asking for a unban or lowering, i've learnt from this.

Thanks for reading!

I personally think 5 days is low for abusing a glitch, when it says not to abuse glitches when you enter.
Well, as i have mentioned in the post, it wasn't ment to abuse it, and also you cant really call it a glitch because many many gamemodes have this trick, and you can use it on nearly every server.

I didn't know it falls under Abusing a glitch. But i have learnt and i will never do this trick again!
You are not supposed to be able to build on other territory, so you can't for example jump over a wall. That is why the gamemode deletes the block when you place it. It takes a small amount of time to delete it, and you used it to jump over. I would call it a glitch, I do understand that you may not have known about it being associated with glitching, but if you think about it, its straightforward.
Yes, you're right when i think forward it doesn't really make sense as it's on other factions territory. I have made this mistake, it's done and i cant turn it back and i'm sorry for it, again i really didnt know it was a proper abuse for it. I regret it now. However im willing to refund Gunfish stuff, as a apogolise.
His things were returned as I know of. Please don't abuse this again, and I will take consideration that there is a learning curve here for everyone.

Unban request approved, Isaacer's and Makarov's have been removed too.

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