Ban Appeal for Giant Pony
First of all i would just like to apologize of this is in the wrong place.

Your name: [FL:RP] Giant Pony

Your ban ID: 24841

Banned by: [FL:M] Salinsky

Reason: Impersonating

Involved: Al Sevenfold

Why we should unban you: Well this ban is alread expired, i just want it off of my record. I was driving around with my name [FL:RP] Al Sevenfold as a joke because me and Sevenfold are friends on the server. I was driving around when i was then banned my Salinsky for impersonating. I would like this off of my record because first of all impersonating is not against the rules, and second of all the server makes it impossible to impersonate by putting a (1) infront of a person who has the same name as someone else. So my name was (1)[FL:RP] Al Sevenfold. This means that our names where different and i was not impersonating him. I was also never even asked to change my name he just instantly banned me for it without a warning. Heres my steam id if you need it: STEAM_0:1:45742184
The amount of trolling and fail RPing you do, you didn't deserve a warning in my opinion.

Besides that, impersonating may not be stated in the rules directly; However in my opinion this falls under the "Common sense" part, which is stated in the rules.

Rules Wrote:The following rules are made to make clear what is allowed and what is not, this is required for any decent roleplay server. We expect you to read all the rules before playing. It may take a couple of minutes to read all the rules, but an average ban is a lot longer than that. It’s almost impossible to cover every single detail with rules, so we expect that you use your common sense and won’t do questionable things or search for loopholes. If you are not sure if something is allowed or not, ask an admin to clarify.
If you sort through the ban history, several people have taken bans for impersonating other players on the server or lining up all their information to match the same with other people. It's Fail RP to start, impersonating and identity theft are not funny and personally I feel they should not be done anywhere. It could lead to plenty of issues including wrongful bans for actions like RDM, CDM, Prop abuse, and scamming. Use your head. Also note that if your not sure if something is allowed or not, ask an admin to clarify. Not just do it and complain later if you were wrong.
How is it fail rp? It was not my IC name it was my steam name that i changed. and like i said the server makes it impossible to impersonate. Also if it is not listed in the rules i feel like the person should be told that the mod/admin does not like what they are doing. and if the person does not stop then a ban would be ok, but i was not even asked 1 time to change my name. if i was asked i would of.
Ban expired.

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