Minges on v2p
Name of player: Dr. Francis, Peperenzoustelletje, Archeyyy, [Polish Mafia Mod]Volimius, [IC] Victor Allingham

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:37199827, STEAM_0:1:51956520, STEAM_0:1:47864844, STEAM_0:1:25711486, STEAM_0:1:32639811

Time in GMT: About 40 minutes ago

Server: v2p

Summary: Dr. Francis: CDMing people as paramedic just to be able to heal them. Did it several times. A while after he failed RPd as paramedic and just slept in front of Nexus, didnt catch any of that but he also did it as a doctor.

Peperenzoustelletje: Randomly stole a guys car, drove it to the lake. I went after to see whos car it was and I see Peperenzoustelletje spawning a chair and floating up in it. He then came back and I asked how he would like it if I stole his car and drove it to the lake, thats when he started to proppush my car into the lake.

Archeyyy: Jumpin on sleeping people.

[Polish Mafia Mod]Volimius: Jumped on a sleeping body, dont know if this was an accident or not but he did see people were in that bathtub (that shouldnt have been there anyway though) since he slept just beside it.

Last but not least we got [IC] Victor Allingham. He spawned a prop and rammed it into an elevator Alexx did, thus killing 2-3 people.

Evidence: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hYU0HA2r...e=youtu.be
The bans are as follows:

Victor banned for 7 days for multi prop killing/pushing, fail RP
Dr francis banned for 3 days for mass cdm on purpose, placing props in front of nexus
Peperenzoustelletje banned for 5 days for chair abuse, prop flinging cars
Arch banned for 1 day for jumping on bodies

All bans include general minging without any sort of RP intent.

Banned players,
Please make sure to follow all of our rules in the future to avoid further disciplinary action.


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