City Police Department
Steam Name - [FL:RP] GRiiM

Number of bans - 3

Desired Position - S.W.A.T

Number of hours - 1010 roughly

IG Stuff

Name - Ted 'GRiiM' Baker

Address - 139 East Avenue, Evocity

Date of birth - 28/03/1978

Why should you be a member of Evocity's finest? - I have been part of the Evocity Police Department for many years now and in my opinion I have been doing an excellent job. Last year I commanded a team of officers in an operation to take down Evocity's most dangerous kingpin, Marco 'The Butcher' Linguel with no casualties suffered. I have been trained to use a variety of assault rifles, tactical training and negotiation training and I would like to really put these skills to the test as a S.W.A.T member as my current role as the police commander doesn't quite feel as much of a challenge as it used to.

I know that I would do this force proud should I be accepted and I would stop at nothing to continue ensuring the safety of the citizens of Evocity.
(01-22-2013, 06:36 PM)Narcotic Wrote: I'll just dump out, I can't do this weekend, got work from 00:00 - 06:00 all days, have to sleep too.

Petty human with the need for sleep! Seriously though, I'm sure me and Sally can do a 'mini' police rp with you on Wednesday.

Steam Name - [FL:RP] GRiiM

Number of bans - 3

Desired Position - S.W.A.T

Number of hours - 1010 roughly

IG Stuff

Name - Ted 'GRiiM' Baker

Address - 139 East Avenue, Evocity

Date of birth - 28/03/1978

Why should you be a member of Evocity's finest? - I have been part of the Evocity Police Department for many years now and in my opinion I have been doing an excellent job. Last year I commanded a team of officers in an operation to take down Evocity's most dangerous kingpin, Marco 'The Butcher' Linguel with no casualties suffered. I have been trained to use a variety of assault rifles, tactical training and negotiation training and I would like to really put these skills to the test as a S.W.A.T member as my current role as the police commander doesn't quite feel as much of a challenge as it used to.

I know that I would do this force proud should I be accepted and I would stop at nothing to continue ensuring the safety of the citizens of Evocity.

[Image: can-stock-photo_csp3864912.jpg]
If narcotic left I am going to apply for the commander position instead.And can you make the time 16:00 GMT where I live it would be about 8 in the morning and I I need sleep too. I rather do this then have to impound cars as unemployed the whole roleplay.
Steam name- [FL:RP]Mr.UnionSniper[5thBrgRfl]

Number of bans - 0

Desired Position - Impound Officer

Number of hours: Look below cause I forgot...

IG Stuff: Im a Lieutenent of the Evocity Police force I have been working for the force for 5 years now. I have never once been a criminal and is a hard worker. I have served several terms as president and the S.W.A.T. Team. I am 24 years old and is very tall and strong.

Name - Alexander 'The Sniper' Fritzgerald

Address - 2345 Lakeside rd.

Date of birth - Confidential

Why should you be a member of Evocity's finest? - I am bit bossy but I try my best and ALWAYS gets the job done! I help at the call of need even if it is beyond the call of duty. And im a good shot. I feel that I am a very good leader too.
Kind Regards,
Proud Donor
(01-22-2013, 09:16 PM)Mr.Sniper Wrote: If narcotic left I am going to apply for the commander position instead.And can you make the time 16:00 GMT where I live it would be about 8 in the morning and I I need sleep too. I rather do this then have to impound cars as unemployed the whole roleplay.
Steam name- [FL:RP]Mr.UnionSniper[5thBrgRfl]

Number of bans - 0

Desired Position - Impound Officer

Number of hours: Look below cause I forgot...

IG Stuff: Im a Lieutenent of the Evocity Police force I have been working for the force for 5 years now. I have never once been a criminal and is a hard worker. I have served several terms as president and the S.W.A.T. Team. I am 24 years old and is very tall and strong.

Name - Alexander 'The Sniper' Fritzgerald

Address - 2345 Lakeside rd.

Date of birth - Confidential

Why should you be a member of Evocity's finest? - I am bit bossy but I try my best and ALWAYS gets the job done! I help at the call of need even if it is beyond the call of duty. And im a good shot. I feel that I am a very good leader too.

Why not just take that minor step and post your hours, It's a common courtesy when posting an application.
And I'm sorry but I'm looking for someone with at least 200 hours for the commander position, unlike most of the time when playing as a cop I want someone that will really take control and get into the commander spot.
Couldn't make it at 16:00 GMT
Kind Regards,

Ugh! I'm sorry but the event time shall have to remain on Saturday at 14:00 GMT, there's no more time slots that would work for the majority.
(01-22-2013, 10:05 PM)Disabled Angel Wrote: Ugh! I'm sorry but the event time shall have to remain on Saturday at 14:00 GMT, there's no more time slots that would work for the majority.

Why can't we do it later in the day? eg 16:00 or 18:00
Event shall be hosted on Saturday night at 18:00 GMT.
Ok if its at 18:00 im out my little cousin is having a birthbay party and its at noon time here so im out. I can make it some later date when we have it next.
Kind Regards,
Proud Donor
Don't change it more!! Smile
Kind Regards,

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