Ban Request for Shgp
Name of player: Shgp

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:39586106

Time in GMT: 10:10 GMT + 0

Server: 2D

Summary: Okay, so this guy ran into the nexus and tried to get into the elevator. I tazed him, and was requesting a warrant. He d/c and rejoined. He came in and started to sware at us. He then punched me and ran off into the bank of the America. I tazed him, and yet again he d/c. He then rejoined came into the nexus with an MP5 and killed the Evilelf, he then tried to kill me but I got him before he could do so to me. He d/c and then rejoined. I then thought 'I want to get this guy banned' so I got up dxtory to record him. Luckily, I got him on camera trying to prop kill and RDM me. The evidence is in the video below.


Ban charges : I hope this guy gets banned for the following;
Attempted propkill
Propspam (Possibly)
Calling me a cigarette (Possibly)

I don't have any evidence for the d/c to avoid arrest but could I please ask you to check the logs? Thanks.
Kind Regards,

Request reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:
Evidence was deemed sufficient, as accused player was found violating rules regarding FailRp, RDM, Attempt Prop-kill/Spamming. No interest interest in roleplaying nicely.
Suspension will be applied for 1 month .

[FL] Jamie
Server Administrative Team

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