Ban Request On ShitForFood
I recently Bought a shipment of tranqulizer guns and needed ammo i contacted a player called Quickly his in game name was Fab Kokus and we went to a private area to get the ingredients for Darts. Then i gave him 1.5K and ordered black powder and dart casings and ShitForFood ran round and shot me took the black powder on the ground and then shot the BMD saying try and kill my friend again. I think he should be punished becasue he was a che[/size]f at the time and he stole from an active transaction.
Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying. - Arthur C. Clarke
Use the template, Provide evidence.
A date and time as specific as possible will be needed for logs.
24/hrs to do so ^
Denied, No template or evidence given in time gave.

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