[unofficial] Team Shady
Hey it's l3g1tcal, as most of you know, I have been rping as Eminem. So after a few days, I have decided to open Team Shady in honor of Slim Shady himself. Those who join can be my bodyguards, chauffer if that's how you spell it, help me with my concerts, or just be my friends XD. Those who help me and are in the clan get a good pay as well! If you join you have to make your clan ingame Team Shady. The more this clan expands the more features I will add!

To join, you must answer a few questions:

Interview questions:
1: Are you a fan of Eminem?
2: If so, how long have you been a fan?
3: Are you best at defending, driving, or building?
4: How long have you been on the server?


Guards me during concerts or when I'm in public, must make job security guard.
Salary: 100 extra ingame money.

Drives me around when I don't have a car.Must make job taxi driver.
Salary: 100 extra in game money.

Set up stages for me when I am doing concerts. Must make job unemployed.
Salary: 200 extra money for each stage made.
The following 1 user Likes ixxassassinxxi's post:
  • Killjoy
Updated your post to make it clearer to see Smile
The following 1 user Likes Sniperwolf's post:
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(03-03-2011, 08:23 PM)Sniperwolf Wrote: Updated your post to make it clearer to see Smile

Omg thanks so much!
I think I'm gonna close this clan and go back to alpha and omega
So you're closing it down?
Fucks sake. That's the last time I bother helping some new player with their clan thread then -_-
I don't know, its just, nobody is joining.I guess I'll leave it up
It's been up for like 2 days...
Dunno if anyone here even listens to Eminem, lol.
[Image: P6KNEfH.png]           .       
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if you shut it You'll need to put a request on the thread to join back, im not just letting you walk back in. Cheese Unlucky by the way

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