Ban request on HiFiWiFi
Name of player:
Time in GMT:
At 2:25 Mountain Time
rp_EvoCity v2d
HiFiWiFi broke NLR at least twice by coming to the Tides Hotel many times.
All I have is the logs and witnesses.
I Agree with the request.Me, and alot of other people were there when he broke nlr twice, We told him to stop the first time, but he kept comin and talking trash, i seriously think this kid needs time out :p
Ok well about this, the first time I came back, I was killed inside the 2nd room on the left, for really no real reason. I came back out to the street cos the whole server was either outside the front of the hotel or inside it based with you guys. The second was I got RDMed by a government guy because he said I broke NLR which I don't believe I did. So that's backseat admin and RDM. So I came back again. Now what yous did wrong was you had BMDs basing with you, you were RDMing people without warning whenever they went near the hotel, and also either you or the government declared that you had made an alliance.
Request reviewed and denied.

Closing notes:
No evidence was submitted.

[FL] Adman
Server Administrative Team

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