Unban request Spy Chicken
Your name: [FL] Spy_Chicken

Your ban ID: 19931

Banned by: [FL:M] Narcotic

Reason: Breaking FearRP.

Involved: Me, the admin and the guy I tazed

Why we should unban you: When I was looking on the forums I saw that there was a guy who killed a police officer to help his friend and the guy who killed the police officer was BANNED. So I was giving this guy a speeding ticket he ran away so I tazed him and handcuffed him. Then [FL:M] Narcotic came from behind me and told me to let him go whilst holding a pistol against my head. I thought if [FL:M] Narcotic killed me then it would be rdm. So i tazed him and handcuffed him. Then he said these exact words "Any last words before I ban you?". First of all let me say this... Always on this server admins just ban you without talking to you about it. Every time i was banned on this server the admins just banned me without even telling me ANYTHING. The only time one ever said anything it was "Any last words before I ban you?" SERIOUSLY WOW... Admins could you please talk to people and get their side of the story before you just ban someone... Thank you for reading this and please consider talking to people for a minute and help them not get banned next time....
It wouldn't have been RDM, you were saying something about him getting arrested, when I pointed a gun at you and told you to let him go, you turned right around, tazed me and handcuffed me, that's breaking FearRP.

Also, you may not dispute bans that are 24 hours or below.

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