Lethalblades Unban request.
Your name: Lethalblade

Your ban ID: 9375

Banned by: FL Beflok

Reason: I would never learn

Involved: Admin and I

Why we should unban you: Hello Fearless role-play, for this unban request I want to say my apology and attempt to convince you to give me another chance at this.
The last unban requests were me blaming it on some random reasons which looking back on it now, look pathetic and unworthy of a place back in this excellent community.

Some of the things I did to get this final ban were childish and immature of myself 100% agree i know what i did wrong and these things were not worth your time which is why you came to this conclusion to finally permanently ban me.
But this was a long time ago and now I am coming back doing things how they should have been said and done.
I just want to apology's to every admin who has ever banned me
And finally Mr.Console.
What I did as i said before was childish,immature,stupid and Mingey.
But I want an admin to look and read this and give me a chance or shorten this permanent ban, i want to show you all that a person can turn things around.
An admin said on one of my previous unban requests that " Player knew he was doing wrong but continue'd to do it" and i agree, i carried on doing the wrong thing but if i was given a chance i will show you i have changed for the better that i will role-play at a cooler rate and be less mingey.
Again I apology's to all of the staff from fearless roleplay and if given a chance i will show you i have changed, if not again i will understand why.
Thank You.
If we do not end war , war will end us.
-H.G Wells
I strongly back this unban request. As a personal friend of leathalblade I believe he deserves a final chance. The ban was almost (if not over) a year ago. I have known this player for a long time and when he first connected to fearless he didn't understand the concept of roleplay and was simply a minge. He has grown alot since his ban and is now a very competent roleplayer, would make a good addition to the community and would desperately like a chance to prove it. He would not bother trying this hard to remove a ban that was placed over a year ago if he did not intend to play the game within the rules.
Ban was 7 months ago, however I do not oppose an unban. Maybe a weapons blacklist for a period of time due to his RDM bans.
16 bans for FailRP and RDM in total, I oppose this.
I defiantly support Termin's idea for the blacklist, my main rule violation was RDM and what harm can I do if can't hold a weapon. This will at least give me the chance to prove I can roleplay passively.
If we do not end war , war will end us.
-H.G Wells
I guess we can do with a 50 hour blacklist, as a probation term.
That sounds ideal.
If we do not end war , war will end us.
-H.G Wells
Probation initiated.

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