Questions about your Roleplaying.
Alright so basically we are a roleplay community and that of course means that we enjoy roleplaying (duh). So i was thinking i would ask the community a few questions.

Do you roleplay in any other games? which ones?

Do you have any favorite kind of character? (good,evil?)

Have you ever used the old alignment system for roleplaying?
(ex. True-Neutral,Chaotic Neutral etc,etc)
(for those who don't know what Alignment is )
Do you have any roleplay characters from other games that you just love?

And is there any kind of specific occupation you love to roleplay your character has?

Alright ill start. Just so that if you dont understand what im trying to say you might understand better when demonstrated.

Well i roleplay in almost all games i can. For example wow,skyrim,Guild wars 2 and more.

My favorite type of character is the ones that are blinded by faith and loyalty. (example the Scarlet Crusaders in wow or maybe even Mythic Dawn in Oblivion)

My usual Alignment is Chaotic Neutral or Chaotic Good.

And as for occupation. It kinda goes hand in hand with my favorite character i have ever created which was a bard way back when i played D&D via a thing called RoleplayTools. So to sum it up i usually roleplay a Chaotic Good Bard (swashbuckler)

Alright your turn Smile
Your's Sincerely
Foxy The Pirate

Wut? I guess i roleplay in GTA IV and Skyrim, hes always a nice guy trying to make a home in Skyrim. In GTA i'm always a cop. And i don't know what Alignment is.

Is this strictly a Dungeons And Dragons, World of Warcraft question?
Modelling/Texturing Contributor
Well no its more of how you prefer your roleplaying characters to be. And also Alignment was first used in dungeons and dragons and is a system that is an easy way to define your character.

And example of an alignment is for example.

Lawful Evil. Meaning that the character is evil and don't care about others feelings,family or for that matter their life but they will always listen to their superiors.


Chaotic Good. Someone that does something that is against the law and can be found as chaotic but for the good of the people (for example Robin Hood is considered to be Chaotic Good)
Your's Sincerely
Foxy The Pirate

My greatest roleplaying experience on a game comes from Champions Online - in the end I stopped playing the game entirely, and just hung out in a dedicated roleplay zone.
I play D&D with some friends from time to time.

I usually pick Lawful neutral or true neutral.
True Neutral you say. And it works out fine? last time i ever played true neutral during D&D was during a campaing called ¨land beyond the magic mirror¨ and then if you were True Neutral you kinda lost.
Your's Sincerely
Foxy The Pirate

Well a True Neutral alignment goes well with me role-playing people who are completely insane... because your actions can not be predicted.
Do you roleplay in any other games? which ones?

I used to play GTA SA:MP.

Do you have any favorite kind of character?


Do you have any roleplay characters from other games that you just love?

Vito from Mafia 2
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Wait you were a Bard Ghostwalker? Did you ever use the Bardic Knock Spell?
Saint Dogbert: The patron saint of technology
[Image: Saint_dogbert.jpg]
How can you roleyplay in skyrim when its barely even a roleplay game.
(12-05-2012, 10:57 AM)BlackDog Wrote: Wait you were a Bard Ghostwalker? Did you ever use the Bardic Knock Spell?

I know what you mean Tounge

but no
Your's Sincerely
Foxy The Pirate

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